The Buyer’s Guide to Knowledge Management Software

A company’s most important and abundant resource is the vast knowledge that exists across its employees, documents, and media. Unfortunately, at many organizations, this knowledge is not used to its full potential to drive growth.

A purpose-built knowledge management platform can help you capture, centralize, and share your organization’s collective intelligence so teams can work more efficiently and innovatively while making informed, timely decisions. However, there are a lot of knowledge management platforms–as well as software that claims to have built-in knowledge management capabilities–and as a buyer, it can be challenging to know where to get started.

Our Buyer’s Guide to Knowledge Management Software walks you through the value of KM technology, how to choose the right solution for your business, and how to get buy-in for the solution from your entire organization.

Read this guide to:
  • See how knowledge management software delivers a positive ROI
  • Identify your organization’s technology and business needs
  • Compare popular knowledge management software solutions
  • Establish a strong business case for a knowledge management platform
  • Get a step-by-step software buying checklist
The Buyer’s Guide to Knowledge Management Software

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A purpose-built knowledge management platform centralizes knowledge in all its formats and makes that knowledge easily searchable and discoverable. This type of platform allows for ongoing knowledge engagement and transfer so that a company’s collective knowledge stays current and becomes a strategic advantage.

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