Content & DMS (Document Management System)

Organize and access content effortlessly with Bloomfire’s document management software. Easily oversee your complete digital library of knowledge in a single, easy-to-use platform and transform your DMS into a knowledge-sharing tool that drives innovation.

With deep-indexing and auto-sync capabilities, our document management platform provides a seamless, AI-powered search engine that integrates across all document management libraries. This setup enhances team collaboration and scales access to vital company knowledge.

Connections are easy to configure and even easier to maintain, so Admins can streamline content and document management with automated processes for curating, migrating, and updating content in bulk. AI will deep-index and auto-sync files, ensuring each team has access to curated, up-to-date information in real time.

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Connect All Your Document Sources and Systems

With our Enterprise Search integrations, you can quickly scale access to company knowledge and documents and ensure everyone can access relevant, up-to-date information in real time. Streamline your document management system through automated curation, indexing, and categorization.

Content & Document Management System (DMS)

Enterprise Search Connectors

Integrations are changing the game for content and document management by eliminating tedious tasks for knowledge admins – like organizing content and managing multiple versions of documents. Employees benefit from a unified AI search tool that minimizes context switching across applications so they can make the most out of every minute and work more effectively.

Learn more about our Enterprise Search connectors →

Create a Single Source of Truth

Maintain a single copy of a document published across multiple communities or access groups, with updates automatically distributed to all locations. Our document management software platform allows your business to centralize, categorize, and ensure your employees work from the most relevant and recent versions of content.

84 %

of users say they find it easy or very easy to find content in Bloomfire

400 %

increase in questions answered by peers versus a small content management team


minutes average saved per user per search with Bloomfire

Flexible Document Management at Scale

Tailor knowledge delivery to meet the needs of different teams and organizations with our flexible document management solutions. Automatically pull documents into Bloomfire with curated Enterprise Search syncs, or seamlessly build and manage your content directly at scale.

Enterprise Search for Knowledge
Enterprise Search for Knowledge

Curate, deep-index, and sync content from across your tech stack with Enterprise Search integrations.

Create Series of Related Content
Unstructured Data Management Simplified

Say goodbye to complicated folder structures with our flexible category system and bulk management tools.

Keep up-to-date Versions
Automated Version Control

Publish once, update everywhere else automatically.

Upload and Centralize Research
AI can Help

Use AI tools to keep documents up-to-date, indexed, categorized and tagged with metadata.

“Bloomfire is super user-friendly. It gives our employees an opportunity to take Google search functionality that they use in their personal life and bring it into the business world.”

Amy Argentine, Director of Technical Service, Parts Town
Frequently Asked Questions

Any tool that helps you store and manage documents digitally can be called a document management system or DMS. These documents may be electronic documents or digital scans of paper documents. Modern systems also incorporate video and audio files, transcripts, and even unstructured data or information. The primary advantage of a DMS comes from its ability to deep index and search the documents, making them easy to find when needed. Bloomfire goes even further by capturing collective knowledge by documenting Questions and Answers asked to subject matter experts and makes them searchable as well. This allows Bloomfire to capture tribal knowledge as well as serve handle over 25 different document file types.

Enterprise document management should have robust search capabilities and be able to handle multiple file types including video and audio files. You should also look for the ability to handle both structured and unstructured information, and be able to easily scale across multiple groups. Ingesting documents and content should be a simple process, ideally automated. You will also want to consider system security, cloud access, detailed usage analytics and generative AI tools to help make document management easier.

You can schedule publishing for a future date, as well as schedule archiving and unpublishing documents when they become out of date. Using our easy management tools, you can do this in bulk, as well as managing approval tasks.

Groups are used to create secure permissioning for restricted content. If a document is published and shared with a group, security features ensure that only members of that group will be able to find it. If they aren’t in the group, they won’t see it. However, documents can be cross-published to different groups as needed, allowing you to maintain a single version that reflects updates across all groups when changes are made.

Our advanced reporting tools can be used to easily audit user activity and track content engagement, including views, engagement, document downloads, search history, login history, and system information.

The platform has a number of ways to seed content resources into the platform. Authors of content can load it directly or connect to external sources through various integrations, like third-party content feeds from news sites and market research companies.

Yes. Bloomfire is a document management system that is purpose built to capture and retain knowledge and critical documents, making them easily searched by your teams. In addition to being able to render and display over 25 document types, Bloomfire has tools to easily capture knowledge from other unstructured sources and syncs automatically with cloud-based file storage systems.

If a user is a member of multiple communities within the platform, searches are performed across all communities they have access to. Search results are primarily shown for the community they performed the search in, but would like to results in other communities. This helps save time for individuals who are cross-functional and supporting multiple departments.

We’ve specifically designed the Bloomfire platform to be drag-and-drop, no-code, and WYSIWYG friendly (what you see is what you get). This means you don’t need any support from a developer or IT. We have some optional custom elements with HTML coding if you want to get fancy, and our support team is happy to help if you need assistance there.

We do! If this is a requirement, be sure to let us know, and we will help you configure it.

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See Bloomfire in action across several potential configurations. Imagine the potential of your team when they stop searching and start finding critical knowledge.

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