The Updated Monster List of 111 Online Learning Resources

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    The Bloomfire team wishes you a happy New Year! May 2011 be filled with exciting learning, and may this list help us start strong. If you’d like to add your favorite resource, please do so by leaving a comment. Shameless plugs welcome!

    Instructional Design

    ID and other reflections
    The Writers Gateway: One Stop Resource for Instructional Design
    Jonathan’s ID
    Big Dog, Little Dog


    The Rapid eLearning Blog
    Jane’s E-Learning Pick of the Day
    eLearning Post
    Corporate eLearning Strategies and Development
    eLearning Technology
    E-Learning Queen
    eLearn Magazine
    eLearning Weekly
    eLearning Learning
    Experiencing E-Learning
    The eLearning Coach
    Steve Howard’s eLearning ++ Blog
    e-Learning Leadership Blog
    E-Learning Curve Blog
    eLearning Roadtrip
    e-Learning Authoring Research Blog
    aLearning Blog
    Gray’s E-Learning Blog
    E-Learning Journeys
    Integrated Learning Services
    Dave Moxon’s Articulate eLearning Blog
    eLearning Blog Don’t Waste Your Time

    Learning Strategy

    The Adult Educator Blog
    The Learning Generalist
    Cool Cat Teacher Blog
    Clive on Learning
    The Learning Circuits
    Harold Jarche
    Workplace Learning Today by Brandon Hall Research
    Internet Time Blog
    Networked Learning Design
    Kaplan EduNeering: Kapp Notes
    21st Century Teaching and Learning
    Informal Learning Blog
    Articulate Word of Mouth Blog
    The Tech Savvy Educator
    Langwitches Blog
    Upside Learning Blog

    Tool Talk

    Emerging Internet Technologies for Education
    ZarcoEnglish – Tool of the Day
    Technology Tidbits: thoughts of a Cyber Hero
    Assistive Technology
    Box of Tricks > Technology and Education
    Welcome to NCS-Tech

    Industry News

    Education Week American Education News Site of Record
    Online Learning Update
    Learning Solutions Magazine
    T+D Blog
    Workplace Learning Today by Brandon Hall Research
    Online Learning Update


    EduCause Blogs
    Making Change
    Open Culture
    Stephen’s Web OLDaily
    Larry Feriazzo’s Websites of the Day
    Free Courses Blog
    Understanding Graphics
    Educational Technology

    Educational Musings

    Synthesizing Education
    Learning Conversations
    The Ed Techie
    Terry Anderson: Weblog
    Half an Hour: Learning and Assessment
    Adventures in Corporate Education
    Learning Ecosystems
    Kathy Schrock’s Kaffeeklatsch
    Discovery Through eLearning
    The WorkPlace Coach
    Angela Maiers Educational Services
    Around the Corner
    Elliot Masie’s Learning Trends
    Educational Origami
    D’Arcy Norman dot net
    Donald Clark Plan B
    Virtual Canuck
    abject learning
    EdTech Frontier
    Iterating Toward Openness
    Cammy Bean’s Learning Visions
    TipLine – Gates’ Computer Tips
    Learning with ‘e’s

    Knowledge Management

    KM Edge
    Knowledge Jolt with Jack
    Matthew Loxton’s KM & OL Blog
    Inside Knowledge
    Knowledge Management News
    KM World
    Knowledge Board

    woman in yellow sweater with coffee smiles while browsing the best knowledge base software on her laptop
    umbrella in rain representing the ways knowledge management minimizes risk
    4 Ways Knowledge Management Minimizes Risk
    lock icon over laptop representing knowledge base security
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