Dominion Energy Connects Field Workers to Knowledge They Need to Stay Safe

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    Dominion Energy is one of the largest producers and transporters of energy in the U.S. This industrials sector company serves 7.5 million customers and operates in 18 states, with headquarters in Virginia. They employ more than 21,000 people in fields ranging from engineering to project management, and they are the leading private employer of veterans.

    The Challenge

    Understanding safety protocols is essential for Dominion Energy employees, especially field workers involved in electrical projects. Dominion has published many policies, procedures, and manuals to help workers do their jobs safely, but before 2017, it could be challenging for field workers to find the information they needed—and to determine what documentation was relevant to them.

    Often, when new employees joined the company, they wouldn’t realize that alerts that had been published several years ago were critical to their work. Leaders had to trust that employees would find information when they needed it but had no good way to confirm that critical knowledge was being leveraged in the field.

    The Solution

    Dominion Energy chose to implement Bloomfire within their Power Delivery group (the electric side of the business) to help train employees and ensure that they’re operating safely in the field. By adding all safety documentation to the platform, they’ve given employees multiple ways to access the content they need: by performing a keyword search or drilling down to relevant content through intuitive categories.

    “Bloomfire has given us the ability to get information to the end user in a much more comprehensive way,” says Jason Gambill, Manager of Electric Safety and Training at Dominion Energy. “It’s really strategically given us the ability to break down the silos where information lives so end users can come in and find information fast.”

    For Dominion Energy, one of the most appealing features of the Bloomfire platform (beyond its search capabilities and intuitive interface) is its mobile-friendliness. When workers are in the field, they can quickly pull up documentation on their tablets to make sure they’re following all safety protocols and procedures.

    Bloomfire has really strategically given us the ability to break down the silos of where information lives so end users can come in and find information fast.

    Jason GambillManager of Electric Safety and Training

    Dominion Energy is also using Bloomfire to upload safety training videos for employees to revisit as needed. Because Bloomfire automatically transcribes video content, every word spoken in a video is searchable, making it easy for employees to quickly discover the training content they’re looking for.

    After seeing how Bloomfire was helping the Power Delivery group connect employees to the safety content they needed, many other teams and departments expressed interest in using Bloomfire. Today, Bloomfire is being used company-wide to help centralize mission-critical knowledge at Dominion Energy.

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