Bloomfire Now Listed On AppExchange

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    Big news at Bloomfire this week.  We are officially integrated with Salesforce and listed in the Salesforce App Exchange.

    So why did we do this and what does it mean?

    Bloomfire is a knowledge sharing tool that connects the people who have knowledge with those who need it when they are ready to learn.  By integrating Bloomfire into leading SaaS platforms like Salesforce, we can give our customers access to their Bloomfire at a moment’s notice when they need to access a critical piece of information without leaving their primary work environment.  For many folks in Sales and Marketing, that is the Salesforce platform.

    When you sign into Salesforce, you are now automatically logged into your Bloomfire through access to the Salesforce SSO API.  Bloomfire can be a tab on your Salesforce dashboard and any post, question or answer in Bloomfire shows up as a notification and link in your Chatter stream.  We enhance and extend Chatter to provide a knowledge sharing community for enduring content just one click away.  It’s super easy to accomplish the integration.

    We’ve got lots more of these up our sleeve in the future along with an amazing roadmap of continuous improvements to Bloomfire.  Stay tuned and thank you for all your support.

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