Bloomfire Included in Forrester’s Now Tech: Market & Competitive Intelligence Platforms, Q1 2022 Report

Forrester Research, a leading global research and advisory firm, has released the report Now Tech: Market and Competitive Intelligence Platforms, Q1 2022. The report explores the technologies that insights-driven businesses are using to centralize, search for, and analyze diverse information sources.

This report comes at a time when businesses must democratize insights across the organization or risk falling behind their competitors. According to the Forrester Analytics Business Technographics® Data And Analytics Survey, 2021, “94% of data and analytics decision-makers at advanced maturity insights-driven enterprises plan to adopt market and competitive intelligence (M&CI) platforms, versus 68% at beginner-level enterprises.”

Download this complimentary report to:
  • Learn how M&CI platforms save time, empower both research team members and decision-makers, and deliver relevant insights in the flow of work
  • Explore 22 M&CI platforms by market presence and functionality segments
  • Align individual software solutions to your organization’s needs
  • Get best practices for communicating insights after implementing an M&CI platform
Bloomfire Included in Forrester’s Now Tech: Market & Competitive Intelligence Platforms, Q1 2022 Report

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“It pays to be an insights-driven business. An advanced insights-driven business uses insights from data (quantitative, qualitative, structured, unstructured) for decision-making everywhere in the firm, including decisions about market dynamics and competitors.”

Now TechMarket and Competitive Intelligence Platforms, Q1 2022, Forrester Research
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