If Employee Experience Isn’t Your Top Priority, It Should Be

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    Employee experience (EX) is crucial for every department, not just HR. As employee expectations evolve and remote work becomes more common, leaders must prioritize EX to empower employees to work, share knowledge, and collaborate effectively, regardless of location.

    What is Employee Experience?

    Employee experience encompasses all aspects of an employee’s journey within an organization, from onboarding to daily tasks to career development. A positive EX leads to higher engagement, productivity, and job satisfaction. In 2023, only 33% of U.S. employees were engaged in their work, a statistic that underscores the need for a strong focus on EX.

    Why is Employee Experience Important?

    Better employee retention is often the first benefit associated with a positive employee experience, but it’s not the only one. Businesses invest in EX to:

    • Attract and retain top talent in a competitive job market
    • Develop a culture of knowledge engagement to drive innovation
    • Improve business performance and efficiencies

    According to Gallup, disengaged employees cost U.S. companies $1.9 trillion in lost productivity annually, highlighting the significant impact of EX on business outcomes.

    Attracting and Retaining Talent

    In today’s job market, employees prioritize flexibility, work-life balance, and growth opportunities. Workers are selective about their roles, seeking positions that offer a positive employee experience. Thus, the employee experience will determine whether a worker stays or goes.

    With more and more employees leaving their current roles, and with remote work opening up job opportunities to larger pools of candidates, there’s a lot of competition amongst employers to attract top talent. Workers recognize that they can be selective in their next career move, and they won’t settle for a role with a high stress to job satisfaction ratio, or one with limited growth opportunities. Additionally, research indicates that employees are less likely to feel someone at work cares about them as a person, contributing to higher turnover rates.

    Increasing Knowledge Engagement and Innovation

    Organizations with great EX establish psychological safety, allowing employees to share ideas without fear. This openness leads to better collaboration, knowledge sharing, and innovation. When knowledge is centralized and easily accessible, it becomes a sustainable resource that fosters innovation across the organization. Clear expectations and a sense of purpose are crucial for engagement, yet many employees feel detached from their organization’s mission.

    Improving Business Performance to Gain a Competitive Advantage

    A positive employee experience can significantly enhance business efficiencies and growth:

    • High employee engagement is associated with 18% productivity gains and 81% lower absenteeism, according to a Forrester Research report.
    • The same Forrester Research report also found that high employee engagement leads to 23% higher profitability.
    • Employee experience has a direct effect on customer experience. Businesses with cultures of high employee engagement achieve a 10% increase in customer ratings and a 20% increase in sales, according to Gallup.
    • Gallup also found that highly engaged workforces outperform their less engaged competitors by 147% in earnings per share.

    Role of change management

    Measuring Employee Experience

    Knowledge engagement goes beyond traditional knowledge management by empowering teams to tap into a collective source of intelligence. It enhances the employee experience by eliminating friction in finding, contributing, preserving, and applying knowledge.

    To effectively measure the impact of knowledge engagement on the employee experience, organizations should consider tracking key metrics such as:

    • Employee Engagement Scores: Regularly survey employees to assess their engagement levels and identify areas for improvement.
    • Knowledge Access Time: Measure the average time employees spend searching for information before and after implementing a knowledge engagement strategy.
    • Contribution Rates: Track the frequency and volume of knowledge contributions from employees to gauge participation and collaboration.
    • Retention Rates: Monitor employee turnover and retention rates to see if improved knowledge engagement correlates with longer tenures.
    • Feedback Quality: Evaluate the quality and usefulness of feedback received on shared knowledge to ensure continuous improvement.

    By consistently measuring these metrics, organizations can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their knowledge engagement initiatives and make data-driven decisions to enhance the employee experience further.

    Measuring Employee Experience

    Understanding the Employee Experience Lifecycle

    The employee experience lifecycle encompasses all the key stages an employee goes through during their time with an organization. This lifecycle includes every interaction and touchpoint that shapes their overall experience, from recruitment and onboarding to ongoing development, career progression, and daily work interactions. By understanding and enhancing each stage of the lifecycle, organizations can create a positive and engaging work environment that drives satisfaction and productivity.

    How Knowledge Engagement Impacts the Employee Experience

    By empowering teams to tap into a collective source of intelligence, knowledge engagement enhances the employee experience through the following ways:

    Finding Knowledge

    Centralized and searchable knowledge in a knowledge management platform reduces employees’ time looking for information, increasing job satisfaction and productivity. The average knowledge worker spends nearly 20% of their workweek searching for information, making efficient knowledge access essential.

    Contributing Expertise

    Encouraging employees to share their expertise fosters a sense of contribution and impact. Recognizing their contributions motivates them to continue sharing valuable knowledge. Meaningful feedback and recognition are key drivers of employee engagement.

    Preserving Knowledge

    Documenting knowledge ensures that valuable information is retained even when employees leave, reducing the risk of knowledge loss. This is critical given the ongoing turnover and restructuring of teams in many organizations.

    Applying Learnings

    Easy access to knowledge enables employees to apply what they learn to their work, leading to better decision-making and outcomes. Clear expectations and access to resources are vital for employee productivity and engagement.

    Enhancing the Employee Experience Lifecycle

    Enhancing the Employee Experience Lifecycle

    Enhancing the employee experience requires a holistic approach considering every stage of the employee lifecycle. From the moment employees join your organization through their ongoing development and career progression to their daily interactions and collaborations, each touchpoint influences their overall experience. Organizations can foster higher employee engagement, satisfaction, and productivity by strategically improving these key areas.


    Effective onboarding sets the tone for a positive employee experience. Structured onboarding processes help new hires ramp up quickly and feel integrated into the organization.

    Ongoing Learning

    Continuous learning opportunities keep employees engaged and motivated. Providing access to training materials and encouraging knowledge sharing through a knowledge management system fosters a culture of continuous improvement.

    Career Development

    Offering clear paths for career growth and development helps retain top talent. Employees who see opportunities for advancement are more likely to stay with the company.

    Cross-Functional Collaboration

    Breaking down silos and promoting cross-functional collaboration enhances the employee experience and drives innovation. A shared view of company goals and reduced friction for subject matter experts facilitate better collaboration. Utilizing a knowledge management system can make information easily accessible across departments, improving efficiency and alignment.

    Establish a Shared View of Company Goals and Vision

    Publish your organization’s vision, mission statement, and goals in a knowledge management platform. Regular updates on progress will help team members focus on their purpose and stay aligned with other departments, ultimately working towards the same goals.

    Reduce Friction for Subject Matter Experts

    Make it easy for SMEs to share their knowledge. Encourage them to use formats that fit their schedules, like short videos or recorded interviews, instead of lengthy documents. The easier it is to share, the more they will contribute.

    Establish a Sense of Psychological Safety to Eliminate Information Hoarding

    Create a psychologically safe environment to encourage knowledge sharing. Thank contributors, implement their ideas, and provide multiple ways to share input. Owning up to mistakes and learning from them fosters a culture of openness and collaboration.

    Set Clear Expectations and Hold Cross-Functional Teams Accountable

    Define goals, outcomes, and responsibilities for cross-functional teams. Establish a service level agreement for collaboration and track progress. Clear expectations and accountability ensure that projects stay on track and meet objectives.

    Make Knowledge Sharing a Two-Way Street

    Encourage team members to engage with shared knowledge by asking questions or adding comments. This interaction helps them see how their work intersects with others and leverages expertise across the organization, enhancing the overall knowledge base.

    The Importance of Employee Experience

    A strong focus on employee experience leads to more engaged and productive employees, higher retention rates, and better overall business performance. By prioritizing knowledge engagement and creating a culture of inclusion and transparency, organizations can ensure that every employee feels valued and empowered to contribute to the company’s success.

    Enhance the Employee Experience

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